Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer's OVER

Now that summer is coming to an end, I find myself thinking of the good times I have during these Midwest winters we all seem to love and hate (Fall doesn't count because that's like one week out of the year). For me, I seem to always have a great time during the winter. I like the idea of the cold weather making everyone huddle together for warmth, drinking peppermint schnapps and hot cocoa. One place I know we will be hitting up this winter is Platte River State Park. It's been awhile since we have been there, but damn, it's such a great place to hang with your friends during those winter months. I have a bunch of photos/videos from PRSP during Bill Sharp's birthday from a couple of years back in December. We have already talked about booking a weekend there for Bill's birthday again this year. Last time we stayed there, we collectively drank over 100 beers in 2 days. So, with that being said, here's to looking forward to winter..

Not sure if this was early in the night or later but lets start things off with a good old Josh Ferryman


    Just some coooooool stuff

Some game we played, I don't remember the rules but it turns out we just looked like idiots..

Oh and Collin decided to show up

Mimi and Justin just hanging

The birthday BOI himself


This is when shit got weird

Just dancing to some shit or something

This was an "I'm having fun!" moment


Matt was pretty proud

Perfect way to end da night

So here are some of videos I recorded from the night. Sorry for the amateur skills but hey, you get the picture.

hmmmm, not really sure whats going on here

But I do know whats going on in this one

Last but not least, someone obviously thought this was a good idea...

Until next time

Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's been a while

Yes, It's been a while. Almost a year to be exact. From looking at my last post I can happily say I've accomplished some of those things that I wanted to do. Just in a strange order and not exactly how I planned. This fall I decided to take a semester off of school to work on music more and try and release that album that I have always wanted to do. As much as I feel productive right now it is still weird not doing the "norm" and working on a degree I really do not care about this moment. But, I am totally okay with that.

The last year that I was in school I really felt like I was not being productive or being creative. I felt like all that mattered was that I was in school and if I was in school then everything would be okay and things would work out. I kind of felt a sense of giving up on the things that I enjoyed doing for a piece of a paper that I was hardly working for or had a passion for. Don't get me wrong, people that go to school and work super hard for their degree deserve everything that they have worked for and will have a sense of accomplishment because of it. I just felt like my "business degree" would only lead me into a cubical full of a bunch of dorks talking about conservative views and how they think our country will turn into a communist hell hole. (I may have went a little too far on the last statement).

But in all honesty I really enjoy everyone in my life right now. Having kick ass friends and a understanding family is awesome.  The real question I have for myself while not in school is what is the next step for me? as much as I would like to know I really do not. I am hoping a new adventure or a spark of interest that will ignite me to work hard.  If not ill just do a bigger Space Jump than Felix or finish off my Space Jump with a Space Jam.

I think the biggest goal I need to accomplishment right now is to release some damn music. It's just something that I have put on the back burner for too long.  After I do that I feel like I can find the next step in my life and figure things out. Aka play golf everyday until I make the PGA tour. Damn my dad would be so pumped arriving in his corvette with a cold case of coors light on his passengers side.

anyways, that's all I have to say about that.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cool Things.

V.wolf by N.ruiz.

So after I injured my knee a couple weeks ago I've had a lot of time to sit down and think about a lot of things. Which probably was a really good thing at the time because the past month I've been finding myself really stressed with school and financial issues that I just needed some time to relax. I felt that with all this stress I have been having that I lost a lack of creativeness and that I only needed to focus on certain things. But I realized im too young for that I still need to find and try different ideas. My main focus right now is getting back into writing more songs for Betsy Wells and playing more shows. One thing I did have in mind was to do a music video for our song mono. The idea I had in mind was to use all the footage on my iphone that I took during our recording process and tour to show what it was like when we were recording and have it be as real and simple as possible. Matt was able to piece those ideas together and Im really happy with the way it came out.   

Another thing I'm really looking forward to doing is planning another tour. Traveling is the best part about playing music and I feel like bands have limited time to do that. So this summer were going to plan  an east coast trip and hopefully have good times like these in the car on the way while singing some tunes...

So these next videos are songs that I think will make everyone happy. And spark up their creativeness as well. 

PARTY ROCK!!!!!!!!




Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nate. 21.

This past weekend was a celebration like none other. Nate Ruiz finally turned of age to buy/drink alcoholic beverages. Although he has been drinking along the years (with some stupid stuff in between) it was still finally good to see the last one of the group turn 21. We can only imagine what the Lincoln night life holds for him, such as heading to Brothers after a big husker win, to late night wine nights with pawkets to talk about his girl problems. Only time will tell...

let's start this one off with a birthday stogie for the birthday boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Bill and Justin decided to go on a beer run to start the night off. I got a call from Bill when they were at the gas station asking me if I thought it would be a good idea to get a case of Colt 45.  I was a little hesitant at first but shit, that was a good idea. Good job dudes!

All these photos are just a mix of facial expressions we had during the night. (All close ups zoomed to the max by Matt Regner, original photos by Thea Langston.)

The party boy himself. 

Josh was so excited the Huskers won that night that he pooped his pants 4 times. 

hell, even I was excited the huskers won. 

Sam is a mighty good looking zoomed at 110%


Who the fuck am I???????

Matt got a little upset when they announced last call. 

But, he got over it. 

Bill was looking sharp as always. 

Thanks for the sweet photos Thea!

Chris probably getting ready to grind on some chick. 

This is the best night ever!!!!!!!!!!

                              Hanging outside of Jakes after a long night of drinking Capri Suns.


well, it didn't stop there. After the bars we went to back to Nates to drink a little more and play some tunes. This is the point where I think hardly any of us can remember. Luckily, I got a video to document our dancing/singing. So I will just leave you with that....

Thursday, September 8, 2011


This post is dedicated to a couple of youtube videos. Enjoy this shit.

This summer I had a goal to start skating a lot more with the dudes but it sadly only turned into a couple late night sessions. Out of the couple nights we got this wild gem of Drew Newlin, Jon master Rabe, Justin Steube and myself.

hopefully this fall will start doing more of these videos while still being able to grab a 40 by the end of the night 


If were not skating we also like to do a couple other things. like frat parties. I feel like when we go to parties we always have something in mind to do by the end of the night. The goal by the end of this night was for Josh to body slam Nate into a table. Although the idea was for nate to fall through the table  it still made up for a pretty awesome video. 

first attempt.

lets give that bitch another try

My personal favorite was Josh's Solo Slam. Security had to hold him down by the end of this one. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Betsy in the Twins.

So a couple weeks ago we got the opportunity to play a couple Tuesday Wed. shows up in the great Twin Cities. This is probably the best thing about being in a band whether you suck or not.. being able to play different cities. Let alone doing it with your closest homies(band term). After a couple stops at subway we finally reached the cities..
Our first show on our Tuesday Wed weekend tour was at the 7th street entry which is the smaller venue in First Avenue. You know, the place where Prince played purple rain. After some PBRs, Tequila shots, and electrical shock straight through Matts body from his amp, we decided to play.

Although we have no pics of us actually playing we do have this pic of this girl named Betsy that bought  us shots before we played. luckily we had some Omaha friends at the show to keep up the drinking with us and it turned out to be a pretty fun show.
Another thing we liked to do when were on tour is eat Domino's. I think that mostly ties in with us just being drunk and loving pizza, either way it's awesome. I like to give props to the Puerto Rican on this one because he ordered us a delicious pepperoni, green pepper, and black olive pizza and a chicken, bacon, and feta delight. Good job little buddy!!! *Matt won the pizza eating race.
The next night of our shows in the cities is one we were really excited for. We were opening up for MOTHER MOTHER at the Fine line Cafe. This was huge for us being an out of town band opening up for a well known band. So we kind of took the whole green room thing to our advantage. 

Although they did have the case of beer for us we never did see the chips and salsa they promised us.

The stage was pretty jammed packed with shit but the dude from mother mother was cool enough to let nate use his big old bass amp. I felt like we played really well and the sound at the venue was probably the best we have ever played out of. Plus they even had a dude running a light and smoke machine while we were playing. Not to mention the same dude kept calling us cats and even had a sweet leather vest on. 

After we got done playing we went back to the room and slammed that case of Budweiser in about 20 minutes. After some drunk band hugs we decided to go up and listen to the headliners play. If you have never heard of Mother Mother I strongly suggest you do because these Canadians know how to play some good catchy pop songs. 

They played a great set and better yet they were one of the nicest bands we have played with in awhile.

After it was all said and done we hung around in Minneapolis for a couple more hours and decided to get a good head start and drive to the border of Iowa only to find ourselves in a casino to cap our trip off. 
*Collin won 150,000 on red.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I think im starting to grow up..

So I guess I decided the age of 21 was a good year to start growing up? Well at least that's the way it feels. I finally moved out of the parents house and started going to college (a real college). Thus making me feel more free and trying to be productive and finding cool new shit to do. This is where this blog will come in handy. Im gonna try and post some music/skateboarding/pictures and other shit going on in my life.

For now I will leave you with a cool dunk video of me and my cousin