Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cool Things.

V.wolf by N.ruiz.

So after I injured my knee a couple weeks ago I've had a lot of time to sit down and think about a lot of things. Which probably was a really good thing at the time because the past month I've been finding myself really stressed with school and financial issues that I just needed some time to relax. I felt that with all this stress I have been having that I lost a lack of creativeness and that I only needed to focus on certain things. But I realized im too young for that I still need to find and try different ideas. My main focus right now is getting back into writing more songs for Betsy Wells and playing more shows. One thing I did have in mind was to do a music video for our song mono. The idea I had in mind was to use all the footage on my iphone that I took during our recording process and tour to show what it was like when we were recording and have it be as real and simple as possible. Matt was able to piece those ideas together and Im really happy with the way it came out.   

Another thing I'm really looking forward to doing is planning another tour. Traveling is the best part about playing music and I feel like bands have limited time to do that. So this summer were going to plan  an east coast trip and hopefully have good times like these in the car on the way while singing some tunes...

So these next videos are songs that I think will make everyone happy. And spark up their creativeness as well. 

PARTY ROCK!!!!!!!!