Yes, It's been a while. Almost a year to be exact. From looking at my last post I can happily say I've accomplished some of those things that I wanted to do. Just in a strange order and not exactly how I planned. This fall I decided to take a semester off of school to work on music more and try and release that album that I have always wanted to do. As much as I feel productive right now it is still weird not doing the "norm" and working on a degree I really do not care about this moment. But, I am totally okay with that.
The last year that I was in school I really felt like I was not being productive or being creative. I felt like all that mattered was that I was in school and if I was in school then everything would be okay and things would work out. I kind of felt a sense of giving up on the things that I enjoyed doing for a piece of a paper that I was hardly working for or had a passion for. Don't get me wrong, people that go to school and work super hard for their degree deserve everything that they have worked for and will have a sense of accomplishment because of it. I just felt like my "business degree" would only lead me into a cubical full of a bunch of dorks talking about conservative views and how they think our country will turn into a communist hell hole. (I may have went a little too far on the last statement).
But in all honesty I really enjoy everyone in my life right now. Having kick ass friends and a understanding family is awesome. The real question I have for myself while not in school is what is the next step for me? as much as I would like to know I really do not. I am hoping a new adventure or a spark of interest that will ignite me to work hard. If not ill just do a bigger Space Jump than Felix or finish off my Space Jump with a Space Jam.
I think the biggest goal I need to accomplishment right now is to release some damn music. It's just something that I have put on the back burner for too long. After I do that I feel like I can find the next step in my life and figure things out. Aka play golf everyday until I make the PGA tour. Damn my dad would be so pumped arriving in his corvette with a cold case of coors light on his passengers side.
anyways, that's all I have to say about that.